2008年11月5日 星期三

Google Map 台灣開始放上商業廣告!

繼美國的Google Map放上廣告後,台灣的Google Map也開始放上廣告。



在過一陣使用Google Map API開發的程式,應該也會加入廣告。

若不要廣告,那就得用Google Maps API Premier,價錢參考With That Said網站上的內容。有兩種計價方式,如下

Maps API Premier (page view model)

Here is the cost structure:

- $10,000 for 2 million page views
- $40,000 for 10 million page views
- $100,000 for 30 million page views
- $250,000 for unlimited page views

These licenses are annual, and can be upgraded should you exceed the limit

Maps API Enterprise (user and/or asset model)

We are still finalising our market pricing, but here are some indicative costs:

- USD $24 per user/per year
- USD $24 per asset/per year

Note: There is a minimum charge of $10,000 which entitles you to your first 100 users or assets These licenses are annual, and can be upgraded should you exceed the limit

台灣Google Maps API Premier的代理商為勤崴公司,價錢應與英文的價錢一樣再加上匯差。


Google Maps API Premier

Google Maps API Premier Follow-Up on Licensing, Pricing | With That Said