2009年5月21日 星期四

QGIS 2.0 Wish List



QGIS 2.0 Wish list:

* Better support for GEOS functionality, OGR functionality, GDAL functionality - analytical tools.
* Distribute important plugins by default: postgis manager / ftools
* Plugin organisation - tagging / functional separation so you can e.g. group postgres plugins
* Make plugins more accessible - like not having to enable python installer and merge two plugin installers
* Scale dependent rendering - use scale ranges with different symbology per range
* Support mixed geometry layers (e.g. show them as sublayers)
* Pasting rows from a postgis tables pastes binary geometry (bug)
* Deeper heirachy for layer groups
* When hovering over a group it expands the folder and doesnt collapse them
* Be able to select multiple legend layers and e.g. delete them
* WFS-T support
* WCS client support
* Undo?
* Template support in print composer (already partially implemented in 1.1)
* Classify more that one vaue into a single class in symbology and have one legend entry.
* Scale point size in graduated symbol by attribute value.
* Display PostGIS layers with not pkey even if they cant be selected or edited.
* TMS Tiled Map Server client support - when dealing with fixed resolution intervals fetch data from the next zoom level down.
* Support handheld platforms.
* For WFS features fetch only features in bounding box rather than the whole dataset.
* Support user defined Qt ui forms when editing data.
* Table joins and table manager.
* Print composer - display coordinates around edge of map
* Preserve Z and M values after editing in OGR datasources.
* Allow editing of Z and M values
* Support time series for WMS client so that you can pull down images from a certain time range.

完整文件 在 http://blog.qgis.org/node/127